
If anyone is going to change the world, it’s the next generation. Bridge Youth is for students 6th-12th grade. It’s designed to give them a place where they can connect with God, with other people, and have fun.

We exists to CONNECT students to Christ and other Christ followers, create an atmosphere where students are challenged to GROW in their relationship with Christ, and equip and challenge them to SERVE others.


We believe that you can’t do life alone. God designed us to be relational; both with Him and with other people. So we designed our Wednesday night experience to connect Students to Christ and to other Christ followers their age.


We encourage each student to be a part of our Weekend Worship Experiences and attend a small group. Our small groups include practical lessons, personal devotional coaching, scripture memorization, and time to connect with other students.


We believe that saved people serve people. As a church and a Student Ministry, we do everything we can to set students up to serve their church, community, and world. We accomplish this through mission trips, Bridge Builders, ministry teams, and service projects throughout the year.

Students Supporting Students

Students Supporting Students is a way we can strengthen relationships and make sure every one of our students feels supported in what they do. Our students fill out a form and attach their game schedule, band schedule, recital dates, etc. and the information is given to their family group leaders. This give our family groups a chance to build deeper relationships by everyone meeting the leader at church and then going to their fellow family group members game/performance. We know that what our students do outside of church is important and this is just one way our students can show off their talents while being cheered on by their Bridge Youth family groups. This is our way of gathering everyone together to have our Students Supporting Students!

Students Serving Students

Students serving students is not only our way of supporting the students in their clubs or activities, but it is also our way of training them to reach the lost. In students serving students, our students can fill out a request form for their teams, clubs, extracurriculars, or even for their friends teams/clubs. After they fill out a request form we bring what they request at the time and location of their choosing and equip them to show the love of Jesus. We at Bridge Youth show that it’s not just the pastor’s responsibility to do outreach, but it’s for our students as well. We equip them with everything they need to spread the Gospel and truly be Students Serving Students.


Wednesday nights are a great place for your student to be introduced to Bridge Students. Each week there are around 250 students that are involved in a worship experience and groups at 7:00PM. We also have events throughout the year (retreats, camps, parties, etc) for your student to be a part of.

Your child’s safety is our top priority. We only allow approved volunteer leaders to serve at Bridge Students. Our volunteer leaders attend monthly training sessions and go through an extensive screening, background check, and application process. Our volunteers are excellent and truly feel called to help disciple your student.

We want to keep you up-to-date on all upcoming events and services. We maintain our site calendar and Bridge Students page with all upcoming events. Our favorite form of communication is the weekly parent e-mail. This e-mail allows us to communicate with you directly and give you all the info you may need regarding anything happening at Bridge Students. Or you can join over in our Parents Facebook Group!

We have a lot going on at Bridge Youth! Each Wednesday night we have the registration room open in the Bridge Youth Building from 6:30 PM to 8:45 PM. This is the best way to sign up and pay for events. All events are available to sign-up for right here on our site and through our mobile app!

Bridge Youth Staff