What is 1 in 1000?

What will the money go towards?

This Year Bridge Youth’s Bridge Builders pledges are raising money to support Compact Family Services and The AG Foster Care Network. Bridge Youth has a goal of raising $60,000 to help Compact Family Services complete overdue maintenance at their facilities, and to help the cost of opening five new foster care agencies in five new states. Oklahoma will be the FIRST of these states to get a COMPACT office!

1 in 1000" is a fundraising initiative for missions where students are challenged to do something they love 1000 times in a single day. By participating in this pledge, students are not only having fun and pushing their limits, but also raising money for a great cause. Here's how it works: each student chooses an activity they enjoy, such as playing an instrument, running, or doing push-ups, and commits to doing it 1000 times in one day. They then reach out to their friends, family, and community to fundraise support for their efforts. All of the funds raised go towards missions and make a real difference in the lives of others. This pledge is a unique opportunity for students to combine their passions with giving back. It's a chance to have fun, push their limits, and make a positive impact in the world. Whether you're an individual or a group, "1 in 1000" is an exciting and meaningful way to make a difference